Voting Record


The American Conservative Union has given James a lifetime score of 100%

Americans for Prosperity NH has given James a score of 92% – “A” (see award)

James has taken the Coalition of NH Taxpayers anti-tax Pledge.

Cornerstone Policy Research has given James a score of 94%

Granite State Taxpayers has given James a score of 92% for both the GST and Americans for Tax Reform Pledge survey

The House Republican Alliance has given James a perfect platform score of 100%

The Liberty Ballot has recommended a vote for James in the 9-11 primary

The National Rifle Association has given James a grade of “A”

The NH Firearms Coalition has given James a grade of “A”

The NH Liberty Alliance has given James a score of “A-”

The NH Right to Life group supports James

The Republican Liberty Caucus has recommended a vote for James in the 9-11 primary

School Choice NH has given James a score of 100% – “A+”

Young Americans for Liberty PAC (Win at the Door) has endorsed James (view door card)


American Conservative Union has sent James an award for excellence in 2017.

School Choice NH has scored James at 100%/A+ for 2017.


American Conservative Union has assigned James a 100% rating for 2016.

Americans for Prosperity has assigned James a score of 100% and an A rating for 2016

The Coalition of NH Taxpayers lists James as taking their anti-broadbased tax Pledge for 2016-2018

Cornerstone Policy Research has given James a score of 91% for 2016.

The Granite State Taxpayers have assigned James a score of 100%.

House Republican Alliance has ranked James 96.8% for 2016.

The Liberty Ballot recommends James Spillane for 2016.

The Live Free or Die Alliance has posted the results of its survey for 2016. James voted the party platform 99% of the time.

The National Federation of Independent Business has assigned James a score of 100%

NH Firearms Coalition assigned James a score of A+

The NH Liberty Alliance has assigned James a score of A- for 2016.

NH Right to Life has scored James 100% for 2016.

The National Rifle Association rated James an A for 2016.

Republican Liberty Caucus has endorsed James for 2016.

School Choice NH has scored James at 100%/A for 2016.

James took the 2016 survey from the Live Free or Die Alliance


Ranked 100% by the American Conservative Union for 2015.

Ranked A+ by the NH Liberty Alliance for 2015.

Ranked 100% by the House Republican Alliance for 2015.

Ranked A by the Americans for Prosperity for 2015.

*Ranked 80% by the Business and Industry Association (BIA)

*James is very proud to report that the Business and Industry Association in NH only gave him an 80% rating for this last legislative session. Why, when he is pro-business? Well, because they supported the increased gasoline tax that James rejected, and they support Common Core which James also vehemently rejects! James says “If they’re going to lower my grade because I protect the citizens of NH, then so be it, I’ll wear that grade with pride!”


To see how Rep. Spillane voted on all bills, please visit his NH State Representative website.